Edward Diego's Homepage

I know these are out of order. The pics here (except for the last one) came off a roll Andrew had, so it took me a while to get them scanned and up here. They actually aren't even that great, but I figured that I'd put a few up anyway. Enjoy.
Pics from the Philippines

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click thumbnail to see larger pic.
Don't make me do this! Andrew about to drop into Subic Bay for some wakeboarding. Yes, it's pouring too. - May 2001
It's raining so hard.  I can't see! Me, getting blasted in the face with rain. - May 2001
Am I doing this right? Robbie givin' us the double thumbs-up while waiting for another run. - May 2001
Can I get out now? Marty, drunk on salt water - May 2001
I am a bird. Me, in the pool at the Yacht Club. - May 2001
Pinoy Angels Andrew, Robbie and Marty in the pool at the Yacht Club. - May 2001
Andrew sees Pedro Guevarra. Waiting for our flight out of the Philippines, and grabbing a bite to eat. - May 2001